Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Faith in God

Once upon a time there lived a rich man who had no faith in God. He was searching for someone who also has no faith in God. He searched for years and couldn’t find one.
One day he saw a beggar. He was so poor that he had very dirty clothes, no house to stay in and not enough food. The rich man thought that the poor beggar might have no faith in God.
But the beggar said, “I have faith in God. I believe that my faith in God will get rewarded one day.”
The rich man lost all hope in finding one who has no faith in God.
After many years, the rich man lost all his wealth and he became poor. He went to the king seeking some help. When he reached the palace, the king came towards this man and hugged him.

The king asked, “Do you recognize me? I was the poor beggar you saw that day. After some years later, I was found out as the lost prince in this kingdom. Did I tell you that the faith in God will get rewarded? ”
The rich man understood his mistake and lived a happy life with faith in God.

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